Booking Agent, Owner
I fell in love with Comedy years ago at a Mike McDonald show where I met my now husband (and biggest supporter) and began this journey. Who knew my life would change for the better? At Punch Lines we strive to bring you a personal experience, fantastic customer service and a great night out! Do not hesitate to reach out to me with any questions or concerns as I am always striving to be better and do better for you, the customer. Punchlinescomedyclub@gmail.com
BOOKING – I handle all the bookings for each show whether it be Amateur, Headliner or in between. Please reach out to me at jtowercomedy@gmail.com
Meet and Greet, Maintenance
Dale is the Jack of all trades at Punch Lines Comedy Club. Not only does he do all the building and maintenance he is also the chauffeur. He is the best tour guide any Comedian could ask for as he is a book of knowledge when it comes to #saintawesome.